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Common questions

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Can I get help managing the cost of living?

How can I pay off some or all of my agreement early?

I'm already an Oodle customer - how can I get new finance?

I've moved house - how do I let you know my new address?

Can I change my payment date?

I need some financial support

How can I check if my monthly payment has gone through?

What is Open Banking?

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Get the Oodle Car Finance app

Manage your agreement quickly and easily with our mobile app. Download the app today so you can:

Manage your agreement quickly and easily with our mobile app.

Check your balance and upcoming payments

Check your balance and upcoming payments

Update your details

Update your details

Get a settlement quote

Get a settlement quote

Make a missed payment

Make a missed payment

Black background with the iconic App Store logo for mobile app downloads.
Get the app on Google Play.
Someone using the Oodle app on their Iphone.
Someone using the Oodle app on their Iphone.
3 icons "Check balance", "Upcoming payments" and "Settlement quote".
Someone using the Oodle app on their Iphone.
Someone using the Oodle app on their Iphone.
3 icons "Check balance", "Upcoming payments" and "Settlement quote".
3 icons "Check balance", "Upcoming payments" and "Settlement quote".

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If you've got a question about your account, the easiest thing to do is get in touch with us on our live chat or one of the contacts below:

Application enquiries

For help with your application

Customer services

For questions about your Oodle account

Payment support

To talk to us about missed payments

Customer relations

To discuss a new or existing complaint

Specialist support

If you're facing difficult circumstances

NEWS: FCA announcement on discretionary commission arrangements (DCAs)

Oodle customers are not impacted